The hottest love has the coldest end! : Robert pattinson, Kristen Stewart, & Rupert Sanders.

Okay, so what started as a sensational love story has now ended as a tragedy! Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were together for almost four years and were one of the hottest couple in the Hollywood before Kristen chose to cheat on him and that too with a married man and her SWATH director Rupert Sanders.
Robert, 26, is sure to have been further devastated after hearing that Kristen, 22 and 41-year-old married father of two, Rupert, couldn’t keep their hands off each other in Los Angeles last week. It’s a shameful incident and Rob is now left devastated, heartbroken, angry, embarrassed, and secluded.
The couple first met at the sets of Twilight in 2008 and have been together since then. Kristen however was dating Michael Angarano at the time. She broke up with Angarano in 2009 when rumours of Kristen dating Robert swirled all around.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were always side by side during fan events and press calls while promoting New Moon, though they remained quiet on their dating status initially. By the end of 2009, they confirmed their relationship. They looked good together; complementing each other. Fans were happy for them.
Robert Pattinson talked about Kristen Stewart in the April issue of Vanity Fair, saying: “Kristen is very focused on being an actress. I mean, that’s what she is—she’s an actress. She’s cool. Even before I knew her I thought she was a really good actress. Like, I saw Into the Wild, and I thought she was really good in that. I still think there are very few girls in her class that are as good as she is.”
Also, Robert has been openly saying that no one can understand him the way Kristen understands him. He always seemed happy and content to have her by his side. He has quoted in the magazines several times that he finds cheating in a relationship unthinkable and that he can never think of cheating. Also, he respects women.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart held hands during a date night in LA just two days after she was photographed kissing Rupert Sanders. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart shared the stage at the Teen Choice Awards in LA. It was after the show that Kristen reportedly told Rob about her affair with Rupert Sanders.

Now she is apologising to Robert thinking everything will be sorted out between them. She issued her statement recently, “I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I’ve caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardised the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I’m so sorry.”

Kristen has ruined her life and career by hurting Rob. By cheating on him and not understanding Rob’s true love for her, she has only turned the situation worse. All her fans are now angry with her. She is doomed as of now.
A die hard fan of Robert Pattinson, Aashna Bisht says, ‘Rob is ‘crushed’ so say his friends, catching her cheating on him was the LAST thing he expected from her. He is not even coming out in public. Kristen did not say that she expects him to take her back but she is kinda positive. Cheating with a MARRIED MAN WITH TWO KIDS YUCK. Gross moral turpitude. She had the world at her feet- most popular, media’s favourite, highest paid actress, most loving, grounded and successful guy by her side and a string of blockbuster until she threw it away for a fling with a married man.’
Fans like Sneha Jha are shocked as they took Kristen to be a nice girl. Vaishnavi Srimag says, ‘It’s laughable she cheated on Rob. One thing’s for sure: its gonna be an interesting Twilight  Breaking Dawn premiere. So much tension!!! =)) LOL. ‘

Aashna further adds, ‘She was seduced by Rupert, however she willingly carried on the ‘show’ and after doing ‘it’ in the CAR she dropped him to his house.’
Reports say that it was fleeting moment. Fans say that she is barely 22 and mistakes happen but tell me this – throughout the fling she was aware people would see her do that so she avoided being photographed and not for once thought about Robert? The guy who loves her so much?
Kristen Stewart thought about getting caught by Paparazzi but not about Robert Pattinson ??? Shameless!!

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